Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Meaning of “Blessings”


My Thoughts about the Meaning of Blessings

Very frequently in my ministry I pray for blessings upon all kinds people who are facing important life decisions, or trying to discern God’s will, or who are in emotional distress, or dealing with sickness, or who are trying to let go of anger, or who are facing illnesses or medical procedures, or who are women expecting a baby, or those who are celebrating significant life moments, or for struggling people who simply want to feel a sense of God’s love (and for many other reasons for which often I’m not given an explanation by those who are seeking God’s blessing).  Often I'm even asked to bless objects such as food, religious articles, rings, houses, places of business, boats, cars, and even animals, especially beloved pets!

I believe it’s not I who “give” the blessing, but it's rather an action of prayer to God done by myself and the one, or group of people (and/or for the objects), who/that is/are being “blessed.”

I don’t ask those seeking blessings to submit a “qualification certificate” before I pray with them.

My assumption is that those seeking blessings from God have a true desire to conform their lives to the divine will of God–our God who loves each and every one of us more than we can possibly imagine!  And in the case of the blessing of objects, that such things may in some way remind those who possess them of God's desire for them, and for all people, to be happy, safe in their endeavors, and to prosper according to God's will in this life. 

It’s as simple as that.

A marriage (for example, and by contrast) is by its nature a much more formal act that requires lots of paper work, conformity to civil laws, obedience to the Scriptures and to the teachings of the church (and is always done at a specific time scheduled in advance, and usually with a lot of fanfare).  The 
Nuptial Blessing done during a wedding is also a prayer of petition directed not to the couple, but for them to God.”  We could say the words of the prayer are a form of pleading to God asking for special graces for the coupleincluding for their lasting fidelity, the blessings of children, and that they may have many happy years together.

Actually if we are clear about this, then we can understand that a “blessing” is not actually by its nature a “stamp of approval” but rather a petition for God’s grace.  I’ll leave it up to God to work out the details.

I don’t think my thoughts on this can be any clearer than that.

There are three things that last: FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE, and the greatest of these is LOVE.
  ❤️  1 Corinthians 13:13

Friar Timothy

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