Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Friar Timothy Patrick Dore, OFM Conv. -- About Me and My Blog . . .

Friar Timothy Patrick Dore, OFM Conv. (Baltimore, Maryland, United States).

On September 3, 1962, I was born at Mercy Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland; I’m the second of seven children: I have an older brother and four younger sisters; they each married terrific spouses and now have families of their own; one sibling, a younger brother who my mother named Joseph, died at birth.  In all, I have fourteen wonderful nieces and nephews, as well as a grand-niece and a grand-nephew, both of whom are absolutely beautiful.  My mom, +Carolyn Marie Winterling (d. 09-13-18), was born and raised in Locust Point, South Baltimore, and was of pure German descent; during her professional life she was a Registered Nurse; my father, +Eugene Anthony “Gene” Dore (d. 07-21-24), was born and raised in Irvington, West Baltimore, and was of Irish/Swedish descent; he spent much of his professional career as a salesman within the heavy construction industry. My immediate and extended family members have always been very dear to me!

I spent my earliest school days as a student in both public and parochial schools: first at Beechfield Elementary, P.S.#246, Irvington (grades K-2), then at St. Joseph's Monastery, Irvington, (grades 3-5) and finally at the Catholic Community School of South Baltimore, (grades 6-8). For high school I attended Baltimore's great Calvert Hall College (a Christian Brothers' school locally known as “the Hall).  

As a child, my family and I were always very active in our parishes (both at St. Joseph's Monastery, in West Baltimore where I lived until the age of eleven, and in later years at Our Lady of Good Counsel, South Baltimore).  I was a member of the boy scouts, an altar server, choir member, youth groups, church cleaner and part time youth parish office receptionist.  As a child, my Catholic faith and my parish identity were always very important aspects of my personal and family experiences!  

After graduating from Mount Saint Mary's College (now “University”), Emmitsburg, Maryland in May of 1984, I entered religious life in August of that year as a novice with Conventual Franciscan Friars (OFM Conv.). I completed my Theological studies at the Washington Theological Union in Silver Spring, Maryland in May of 1992. After a six month period as a transitional deacon, on October 17, 1992 I was ordained to the priesthood at St. Casimir Church, in my home-town of Baltimore, Maryland, by Baltimore's then Auxiliary Bishop +William C. Newman.

For seventeen years of my priesthood (in two non-consecutive terms between ‘92 and ‘14), I was assigned to Most Holy Trinity--St. Mary in Brooklyn, New York. Both my Franciscan and my priestly identities were greatly “formed” during my years in Brooklyn!

In addition to 
Brooklyn, I served as a parochial-vicar at St. Philip Benizi, Jonesboro, Georgia, and at St. Stanislaus Basilica, Chicopee, Massachusetts. In August of ‘14, I began a year-long assignment at Pastor at Assumption Church in Syracuse, New York. Years earlier in ministry, I also spent time teaching young people in schools at St. Francis High School in Athol Springs, New York (‘87-‘88), at St. Francis Primary School, San Jose, Costa Rica (‘98-‘01), and at Archbishop Curley High School in Baltimore, Maryland (‘01-‘03). Later, and in the Archdiocese of Baltimore (‘15-‘18), I was Pastor of two wonderful Parishes of St. Ann and St. Wenceslaus, in Baltimore City, Maryland.  Then I was Pastor of St. Michael the Archangel, Annunciation, and St. Clement Mary Hofbauer, a three parish “Pastorate” in Baltimore County, Maryland (‘18-‘22). 

I’ve always had an “itch” to be a missionary friar.  Although I have never really pursued such a calling, I did have several opportunities in my life to travel and to live abroad in countries where people live in poverty and in great need.  While still a seminarian in 1991, I did a “missionary internship” for three months in Ghana, West Africa where I lived and worked with our friars who ministered to people with leprosy.  Later, after my ordination to the priesthood, I spent three months in Honduras, Central America, where I studied Spanish and further discerned a “missionary calling.”  I’ve returned to Honduras for shorter visits at least ten times over the years, and I still wonder if someday I should return there for a longer commitment.  In 1998, I began a two-and-a-half year assignment in Costa Rica where I taught English to children in our friars’ St. Francis Primary School in San Jose and also to adults in an evening language institute there called the Instituto Interamericano de Idiomas (Intensa).  My experience in Costa Rica was wonderful!

Most of my ministerial experiences have been as a parish priest.  Parish work has always been at the core of my priestly ministry, and over many years I feel I've been greatly blessed by the wonderful people of the parishes I've met along the way!  See a short reflection I wrote about the life of a parish priest here on my blog entitled This is the Life of a Parish Priest(https://www.frayteo.us/2014/04/this-is-life-of-parish-priest.html).

I think one of my most passionate desires within ministry has always been to enthusiastically serve and to work with Christian outreach efforts done for the poor, the marginalized, and to those who are different.”  I believe this desire is fundamentally rooted in my identity as one who hopes to live in accord with the teachings and example of the Lord Jesus, and as a Franciscan Friar, a follower of Il Poverello,St. Francis of Assisi.

Currently, I am stationed at the Shrine of St. Anthony, Ellicott City, Maryland, and there I am one of the friars in the community of the Friary of St. Joseph Cupertino. These days, I divide my time as a friar-chaplain at St. Joseph's Nursing Home, Catonsville, as well as at the Shrine of St. Anthony.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope the posts you find on it are both thought provoking and spiritually uplifting!   Peace, Timothy

Praised be Jesus Christ!
Now and Forever!  Amen!

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Friar Timothy Patrick Dore, OFM Conv.

My Curriculum Vitae:


12/99 - 12/00:  The Mesoamerica Spanish Language Program (at the Institute for Central American Studies-"ICAS"),
Intensive Spanish Program and Tutoring.  Guadalupe, San Jose, Costa Rica, Completed: December 2000.

Fall 1998:  Centro Lingüistico Latinoamericano, San Antonio de Belén, Heredia, Costa Rica, Certificate, Intensive Spanish Program. Completed: November 1998.

1988-1992: Washington Theological Union, Silver Spring, Maryland, Master of Divinity, Graduated: May 1992.

1985-1987:  Saint Hyacinth College and Seminary, Granby, Massachusetts, Pre-Theology Certificate in Philosophy, Completed: May 1987

1984-1985:  Saint Joseph Cupertino Friary, Ellicott City, Maryland, Novitiate Program, Completed: August 1985.

1980-1984:  Mount Saint Mary's College (now University), Emmitsburg, Maryland, Bachelor of Arts  (Majors: History and Theology), Graduated: May 1984.

1976-1980:  Calvert Hall College, Towson, Maryland, High School Diploma, Graduated: May 1980.


06/22-Present:  Pastoral Associate, (chaplaincy at St. Joseph's Nursing Home, Catonsville, and pastoral ministry at the Shrine of St. Anthony, Folly Quarter), St. Joseph Cupertino Friary, Ellicott City, Maryland.

08/18-06/22:  Pastor, St. Michael the Archangel, Annunciation, & St. Clement Mary Hofbauer Churches, Baltimore County, Maryland.

08/15-08/18:  Pastor, St. Ann & St, Wenceslaus Churches, Baltimore City, Maryland.

08/14-08/15:  Pastor, Assumption Church, Syracuse, New York.

06/04-08/14:  Parochial Vicar, Most Holy Trinity Church, Brooklyn, New York.

06/03-06/04:  Parochial Vicar, St. Stanislaus Basilica, Chicopee, Massachusetts.

08/01-06/03:  Secondary School Teacher (Intro to Spanish I & Intro to Spanish II), Archbishop Curley High School, Baltimore, Maryland.

06/02-08/02:  Mission Volunteer, Helping Hands for Honduras, La Paz, Honduras, Central America. 

01/01-08/01:  Parochial Vicar, Saint Philip Benizi Catholic Church, Jonesboro, Georgia.

03/00-12/00:  English as a Second Language Teacher (Conversational–for adults), Instituto Interamericano de Idiomas (Intensa), San José, Costa Rica.

12/98-12/00:  Primary School Teacher (Middle School Religion, Second Grade English), Saint Francis Primary School, Moravia, San José, Costa Rica.

01/94-04/94:  Mission Internship, Conventual Franciscan Friars, Campamento, Honduras, Central America.

06/92-09/98:  Parochial Vicar, Most Holy Trinity Church, Brooklyn, New York.

06/91-08/91:  Mission Internship, Franciscan Community Services, Ankaful Leprosy Camp and the Ahotokurom Village, Ghana, West Africa.

09/90-05/91:  Supervised Ministry in Pro-Life Advocacy, Human Life International (H.L.I.), Gaithersburg, Maryland.

09/88-05/92:  Supervised Ministry in a Parish Setting, Saint Mark Church, Catonsville, Maryland.

09/87-05/88:  Secondary School Teacher, (Freshman Social Studies, Sophomore Religion), Saint Francis High School, Athol Springs, New York

Monday, July 29, 2024

A Prayer for Patience


 As a follower of Jesus of Nazareth I say:  

Love everyone, even those who follow a different path, and let God take care of the details!” ❤️🙏

With this in mind, I really dislike the expression “love the sinner, hate the sin” (sorry St. Augustine!).  Let’s be honest: truly such a strategy is humanly impossible (and perhaps is actually an underhanded and self-righteous excuse to hold in contempt those who are “different”).

Here’s a nice prayer I recently discovered that I believe resonates quite well with the thought I first stated above:


O Lord hear my prayer for patience and perseverance in all situations.

Purify my intentions and correct my thought patterns.

Help me to try my best 

and sincerely to pray for myself,

for those for whom I have great love, 

as well as for those with whom I disagree!

Bless me with the light of understanding, 

kindness, compassion and forgiveness.

Help me to trust others, 

to give them "the benefit of the doubt" 

and to rely upon your grace daily 

as I give myself to you 

and in the service and care of others.

O Lord mold my life 

after the pattern of your own patience, 

after your mercy, 

and after your never-ending unconditional love!






Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Meaning of “Blessings”


My Thoughts about the Meaning of Blessings

Very frequently in my ministry I pray for blessings upon all kinds people who are facing important life decisions, or trying to discern God’s will, or who are in emotional distress, or dealing with sickness, or who are trying to let go of anger, or who are facing illnesses or medical procedures, or who are women expecting a baby, or those who are celebrating significant life moments, or for struggling people who simply want to feel a sense of God’s love (and for many other reasons for which often I’m not given an explanation by those who are seeking God’s blessing).  Often I'm even asked to bless objects such as food, religious articles, rings, houses, places of business, boats, cars, and even animals, especially beloved pets!

I believe it’s not I who “give” the blessing, but it's rather an action of prayer to God done by myself and the one, or group of people (and/or for the objects), who/that is/are being “blessed.”

I don’t ask those seeking blessings to submit a “qualification certificate” before I pray with them.

My assumption is that those seeking blessings from God have a true desire to conform their lives to the divine will of God–our God who loves each and every one of us more than we can possibly imagine!  And in the case of the blessing of objects, that such things may in some way remind those who possess them of God's desire for them, and for all people, to be happy, safe in their endeavors, and to prosper according to God's will in this life. 

It’s as simple as that.

A marriage (for example, and by contrast) is by its nature a much more formal act that requires lots of paper work, conformity to civil laws, obedience to the Scriptures and to the teachings of the church (and is always done at a specific time scheduled in advance, and usually with a lot of fanfare).  The 
Nuptial Blessing done during a wedding is also a prayer of petition directed not to the couple, but for them to God.”  We could say the words of the prayer are a form of pleading to God asking for special graces for the coupleincluding for their lasting fidelity, the blessings of children, and that they may have many happy years together.

Actually if we are clear about this, then we can understand that a “blessing” is not actually by its nature a “stamp of approval” but rather a petition for God’s grace.  I’ll leave it up to God to work out the details.

I don’t think my thoughts on this can be any clearer than that.

There are three things that last: FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE, and the greatest of these is LOVE.
  ❤️  1 Corinthians 13:13

Friar Timothy

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Gamaliel and the Golden Rule

Gamaliel and the Golden Rule

My thought for today . . .

In the early days of the church the followers of Jesus, 
for witnessing to the Gospel, were threatened with persecution, and even death as martyrs.

When asked if such persecutions were a Godly way of treating those disciples, a saintly Pharisee named Gamaliel had some strong guidance to offer to his contemporaries.  He was a leader of the 1st century Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, and teacher of Jewish law.  Although Gamaliel approved a relatively mild public admonishment of those disciples, his overall response was very cautious and rather “open-minded” for a religious leader in that time and place.  

In Acts of the Apostles Gamaliel is recorded to have said the following: “I tell you, do nothing to persecute or harm those who preach the Gospel of Jesus; leave them alone!  If their endeavors or activities are of human origin, they will destroy themselves.  But if these things are of God, we will not be able to bring harm to them; we may even find ourselves fighting against the will of God” (Cf., Acts 5:38-39).  

In our own time, as we deal with complicated and often difficult questions, value systems, politics, faith perspectives, and alternative ways of life chosen by those who are “different from us,” perhaps we ought to consider following Gamaliel’s advice (albeit with the proverbial “shoe on the other foot”).

The ancient admonition known as the “golden rule,” comes to my mind: “treat others as you would like others to treat you.

The bottom line: BE KIND! 🥰

Praise God! 🙏

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Pulled-Over by a Maryland State Trooper on I-95

Pulled-Over by a Maryland State Trooper on I-95

Today, on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, I drove home to Maryland from my sister Kelly’s house in Sullivan, Maine.  It took me almost twelve hours (including a couple of short stops along the way). 

Just as I crossed over the Maryland state line, and after traveling for most of those hours, I was so very happy to be close to home!  And so, as I continued to drive south on I-95, I called Kelly and her husband Toby to let them know I was almost home (using my hands-free blue tooth, of course!). 

Perhaps because at that point my blissful adrenaline had kicked in just a bit, I quite frankly moved speedily along (more or less), and just as fast as the rest of the traffic around me.  

Then . . . I suddenly noticed the dreaded lights of a police car tailing close behind me!!  I told Kelly and Toby I was being pulled over and better hang-up.  “I’ll call you after this is over,” I said, as I pulled my car onto the highway shoulder.  

Soon after I stopped (disappointed the cop had not passed me for someone else), a very polite Maryland State Trooper approached my car and asked me if I knew why I was being pulled over.  I sheepishly responded that I had “no idea.”  

He told me that (1) I was speeding, that (2) one of my headlights was out, and that (3) my license plate annual sticker tags were “expired.”  

I then very politely, and with a bit of a chuckle in my voice, responded to him:  “My gosh, I’ve really hit the jackpot tonight, no?

In response to my comment, the officer smiled broadly, and he literally laughed out loud! 

I gave him my driver’s license and the car registration card and he returned to his squad car, returning to me just a few moments later. 

I’m giving you a warning for the speeding and the tag sticker, and a work order for the burned-out headlight.  There’s no fine for anything this time . . . but please drive safely,” he said very cheerfully. 

Thank you sir, and also thank you for your service,” I joyfully responded!  

I then safely pulled back into traffic, continued on my way home, and in my thoughts thanked God for sparing me from the legal consequences the traffic stop really did merit!  

Perhaps it was the trooper’s sense of humor that spared me?  I guess I’ll never know, but I truly am grateful for all police officers’ self-sacrifices, their service to society, and their willingness put their lives on the line for the safety and good of others.  I hope I would have thanked this particular cop for his service, even if I had driven away from that encounter with the otherwise warranted fines! 

To all the men and women in blue, I’ll say it again: 


And I'm also happy to report that my wallet isn't lighter today than it was yesterday!

Praise God!  🙏

Thursday, March 14, 2024

A Time to Every Purpose

A Time to Every Purpose

The etched-glass sanctuary window in the chapel at St Joseph's Nursing Home features four season of foliage, an image of Christ crucified, and the Scripture passage “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

This morning, both before and after the Mass at St. Joe’s, I stopped by the room of one of our residents who was nearing the very end of her life’s journey.  Her family was with her and keeping vigil at her bedside.  

After Mass, and our usual communion visits with many of the residents, I went with Sr. Teresa back to the room of our dying resident.  Sadly, she passed-away at nearly the exact moment we entered the room (where we then immediately prayed for her and with her family).  

I knew this resident to be an incredibly faith-filled woman who loved her God with all of her heart, mind, and soul.  And so I’m very confident she is now with the Lord!

After spending some time with her family, I returned to the chapel, and once again I was deeply struck by the sanctuary window and the message it contains.  

What came heavily to my mind was that all of 2023, and then January of 2024, were incredibly difficult times for me, and my family and friends, as we faced the reality of the deaths of many loved ones (the names of +Doug Bruchman, +Marjorie McDonell, +Gene Dore, +Richard Sies, +Tom Sheehan, +Dottie Stokes-Wallace, +Linda Malat Tiburzi, quite a few friars of my community, and most recently my young friend and protege +Nicholas Hickman immediately filled my thoughts).

The resident who passed-away this morning at St. Joe’s died in the same room that once belonged to my mom +Carolyn Marie Winterling-Dore.  I was with my mom in that very same space when she passed-away on September 13, 2018.  I could not help but to think of my mom as today’s family shared a similar experience of grief and loss! 

Indeed, although it may not seem very clear to us as we pass through the significant moments of our lives, there surely is a time to every purpose under heaven . . .

May eternal rest be granted to all those we’ve loved and lost!

Jesus said: “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he/she die, yet shall he/she live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)

+ + +

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.”

Praise God! 🙏

Friar Timothy

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Condemned to Hell?



My thoughts this morning (on Tuesday, January 6, 2024) . . .

Some “religious people” claim that if a person does not “accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior” (and then completely conform their lives to this or that particular, and frankly “man-made,” way of following the Gospel), then he or she is destined for eternal damnation (i.e., after death, that person will suffer the torments of the everlasting fires of hell).

In response to such thinking, I may be at risk of being called a “heretic,” but I prefer to believe in a God who so loves each and every one of his children, that he does so without conditions and/or exceptions.  No human “dogma” can ever overrule the infinite and compassionate love of a God who loves us more than anyone of us (especially the dogmatists) can ever possibly imagine!

Can any one of us really know the actual and possibly conflicted minds, hearts and personal struggles, and even the “faith” of others, especially those who are otherwise and often quickly labeled as “sinners?”  Can just anyone simply identify him/herself as “saved,” and then claim the right to be the arbiter of God’s boundless love?

I can’t . . .

As a person of faith in a merciful, forgiving, and ever-loving God, it’s clear to me that the concept of “hell” is all too often simply used as an instrument to frighten people into conformity with the whims and biases of those “in power” (and who “at the moment” happen to “control” the religious narratives of the day).

It’s also apparent to me that this type of pharisaical approach to exercising “religious authority” is unfortunately and somehow present, to some degree or another, within the minds of a number of 
fanatical adherents to many and various Christian denominations, “religious systems,” faith expressions, and spiritual traditions throughout the world, and this seems to be the case from time immemorial.  And I believe as such it’s a scourge on the human quest to know and serve God and God’s people.

Sorry Pharisees of all stripes, I believe the idea of “hell
to which you ascribe is quite an empty concept (if, as you explain and use it, your teaching is wielded to threaten those of us you label as “unsaved sinners,” and/or if in fact the infernal region is “a place” at all).


Praise God!

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Some additional thoughts after feedback from others . . .

I don’t doubt the words of Jesus, the teachings of the Church, and I certainly believe in the authority of the Scriptures.  I also believe that OUR human understandings of these things are in constant need of refinement and clarity. This I think is our path to authentic obedience to such things.  

Unfortunately, the words of Jesus, the teachings of the Church, and even the Holy Scriptures themselves are often weaponized (by some "Christians" who in fact are very uncharitable) against the poor, the marginalized, and those who are “different. It seems to me the “Pharisees” are sometimes quick to do so in order to justify their hatred towards such people, and as such they then distort concepts of true faith, genuine hope and unconditional love (a love empowered by God and that never ends!). 

I couldn’t agree with those who have reminded me of their faith in a a Jesus who promises to be the Way the Truth, and the Life.  But the arguments against what I have shared above have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the sentiments I originally expressed.

My “personal relationship” with Jesus is extremely important to me as a Christian man of faith. It guides my life, and the daily decisions I make about how to authentically remain faithful to my God!

My friends, please don’t jump to conclusions about the thoughts I shared above. My perception is that some have completely missed the point I tried to make. Perhaps they might want to read more carefully what I wrote!

My whole point is about how I think some “religious people” are so preoccupied with judging others in this life that they are very quick, and don’t hesitate, to pass the “sentence of hell” on them for the next.

I believe I cannot do that because only God knows the hearts and minds of the people around me. “Judge not, lest you be judged” comes to my mind.

Matthew 7:1-3
Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye?

It seems to me far too many “Christians” think they can exempt themselves from this admonition of Jesus (and only because they now identify themselves as “saved”). I believe such people are in reality the “modern day Pharisees,” and so I for my part will do everything possible in my own faith life to stay as far away from such “pharisaical thinking.


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There are but three things that remain: 

faith, hope and love. 

And the greatest of these is love.

1st Corinthians 13:13 

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On January 14, 2024, in an interview on Italian television, Pope Francis was asked to comment on the idea of hell, and if he believes God will forgives all those who have sinned.  Said the Pope: It’s difficult to imagine [hell]. What I would say is not a dogma of faith, but my personal thought: I like to think hell is empty; I hope it is.

**I love Pope Francis!